Pray for us

Pray without ceasing, in everything: give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:17 and 18a). The Bible speaks about the necessity and power of prayer. Please also pray if our work may really bring a change in the lives of the people who live in poverty. The Bible also tells us that we should thank God in all situations and circumstances. Therefore, we should not forget to thank God for His guidance in our work.

  • For enough financial means for all the work in Kwanjana, especially in this time that is so uncertain
  • For enough sponsors for our sponsor children
  • For our sponsor children as they are going to school again, that the (Biblical) education may be blessed
  • For a good cooperation with the Action Committee so we can develop Kwanjana together
  • For our boards and volunteers. For wisdom and inspiration in making plans, making decisions and planning activities
  • For wisdom and strength to do our daily work
Give thanks
  • For the possibility to continue with our work
  • For all the people who are involved in our work
  • For the activities that the volunteers are doing. By means of their commitment, several projects were financed
  • For all the children who already found a sponsor
  • For the team we have and the good cooperation we experience
  • For the doctors from Malawi who are willing to give our sponsor children free medical aid
  • For every small step in the right direction